
Slimcast [EN] Retail Podcast - Ethics versus profitability in retail with Mike Donnelly

Episode Summary

Join Slimstock’s supply chain experts, Will Severn and Mike Donnelley as they explore how the push towards sustainability is revolutionising retail supply chains.

Episode Notes

Retailers face a constant battle to maintain strong margins. Yet, in an era where environmental consciousness and societal issues are gaining immense traction among consumers, retailers must embark on a new challenge to create more sustainable and ethical supply chains. But how can retailers harmonise their moral and environmental responsibilities with their relentless pursuit of profitability? 

This podcast will take you on a journey through time as our hosts investigate how the rise of globalisation, the shifting economic environment and evolving consumer trends has forced businesses to prioritise efficiency in their pursuit of improved sustainability. 

Join Slimstock’s supply chain experts, Will Severn and Mike Donnelley as they explore how the push towards sustainability is revolutionising retail supply chains.